home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 100 poke53280,1:poke53281,1:poke646,6
- 110 printchr$(147):forx=1to9:print:next
- 120 printtab(10);"net worth statement"
- 130 printtab(10)"-------------------"
- 140 fort=1to1000:next
- 150 ::
- 160 printchr$(147):print
- 170 input"name";n$:print
- 180 input"street address";e$:print
- 190 print"city & state (do not use comma after"
- 200 input"city)";u$
- 210 dimd$(38)
- 220 printchr$(147):print:printtab(13);"*** assets ***"
- 230 printtab(13);"--------------"
- 240 print
- 250 print"enter amount of:":print
- 260 forx=1to3
- 270 gosub1690:inputa(x):next
- 280 a=a(1)+a(2)+a(3)
- 290 print:print"enter value of:":print
- 300 forx=4to10
- 310 gosub1690:inputa(x):next
- 320 a1=a+a(4)+a(5)+a(6)+a(7)+a(8)+a(9)+a(10)
- 330 forx=1to10
- 340 gosub1690:inputb(x):next
- 350 a2=b(1)+b(2)+b(3)+b(4)+b(5)+b(6)+b(7)+b(8)+b(9)+b(10)
- 360 printchr$(147):print
- 370 print"list other cash value assets.":print
- 380 print"enter item name <comma> amount.":print
- 390 print"use comma[146] 0[146] to exit.":print
- 400 z=0:forx=1to10
- 410 print"item #";x;
- 420 inputc$(x),c(x)
- 430 ifc(x)=0thengoto450
- 440 z=z+1:next
- 450 c1=c(1)+c(2)+c(3)+c(4)+c(5)+c(6)+c(7)+c(8)+c(9)+c(10)
- 460 ta=a1+a2+c1
- 470 ::
- 480 printchr$(147):print
- 490 printtab(10)"*** liabilities ***"
- 500 printtab(10)"-------------------":print
- 510 print"list loans/debts due in less than a year"
- 520 print"enter item name <comma> amount.":print
- 530 print"use comma[146] 0[146] to exit.":print
- 540 v=0:forx=1to10
- 550 print"item #";x;
- 560 inputl$(x),l(x)
- 570 ifl(x)=0thengoto590
- 580 v=v+1:next
- 590 l1=l(1)+l(2)+l(3)+l(4)+l(5)+l(6)+l(7)+l(8)+l(9)+l(10)
- 600 printchr$(147):print
- 610 print"enter remaining balance for :":print
- 620 forx=1to10
- 630 gosub1690:inputg(x):next
- 640 g1=g(1)+g(2)+g(3)+g(4)+g(5)+g(6)+g(7)+g(8)+g(9)+g(10)
- 650 forx=1to3
- 660 gosub1690:inputf(x):next
- 670 f1=f(1)+f(2)+f(3)
- 680 print
- 690 print"enter unpaid taxes for :":print
- 700 forx=1to4
- 710 gosub1690:inputt(x):next
- 720 t1=t(1)+t(2)+t(3)+t(4)
- 730 printchr$(147):print
- 740 print"list balances for other long term loans."
- 750 print"enter item name <comma> amount.":print
- 760 w=0:forx=1to10
- 770 print"item #";x;
- 780 inputh$(x),h(x)
- 790 ifh(x)=0thengoto810
- 800 w=w+1:next
- 810 h1=h(1)+h(2)+h(3)+h(4)+h(5)+h(6)+h(7)+h(8)+h(9)+h(10)
- 820 tl=l1+g1+f1+t1+h1
- 830 open4,4
- 840 print#4,spc(int(80-len(n$))/2);n$
- 850 print#4,spc(int(80-len(e$))/2);e$
- 860 print#4,spc(int(80-len(u$))/2);u$
- 870 print#4:print#4:print#4
- 880 restore
- 890 print#4,spc(32);"*** assets ***"
- 900 print#4,spc(32);"--------------"
- 910 print#4
- 920 forx=1to10
- 930 readd$
- 940 i$=str$(int(a(x)))+"."+right$(str$(a(x)*100),2)
- 950 ifval(i$)=0then970
- 960 print#4,spc(5);d$;spc(65-len(d$)-len(i$));i$
- 970 next
- 980 forx=1to10
- 990 readd$
- 1000 i$=str$(int(b(x)))+"."+right$(str$(b(x)*100),2)
- 1010 ifval(i$)=0then1030
- 1020 print#4,spc(5);d$;spc(65-len(d$)-len(i$));i$
- 1030 next
- 1040 ifz=0then1100
- 1050 forj=1toz
- 1060 i$=str$(int(c(j)))+"."+right$(str$(c(j)*100),2)
- 1070 print#4,spc(5);c$(j);spc(65-len(c$(j))-len(i$));i$
- 1080 next
- 1090 print#4
- 1100 print#4:q$="----------"
- 1110 print#4,spc(70-len(q$));q$
- 1120 print#4,spc(70-len(q$));q$
- 1130 ta$="total assets"
- 1140 i$=str$(int(ta))+"."+right$(str$(ta*100),2)
- 1150 print#4,spc(5);ta$;spc(65-len(ta$)-len(i$));i$
- 1160 print#4:print#4
- 1170 print#4,spc(30);"*** liabilities ***"
- 1180 print#4,spc(30);"-------------------"
- 1190 print#4
- 1200 ifv=0then1250
- 1210 forj=1tov
- 1220 i$=str$(int(l(j)))+"."+right$(str$(l(j)*100),2)
- 1230 print#4,spc(5);l$(j);spc(65-len(l$(j))-len(i$));i$
- 1240 next
- 1250 forx=1to10:readd$
- 1260 i$=str$(int(g(x)))+"."+right$(str$(g(x)*100),2)
- 1270 ifval(i$)=0then1290
- 1280 print#4,spc(5);d$;spc(65-len(d$)-len(i$));i$
- 1290 next
- 1300 forx=1to3:readd$
- 1310 i$=str$(int(f(x)))+"."+right$(str$(f(x)*100),2)
- 1320 ifval(i$)=0then1340
- 1330 print#4,spc(5);d$;spc(65-len(d$)-len(i$));i$
- 1340 next
- 1350 forx=1to4:readd$
- 1360 i$=str$(int(t(x)))+"."+right$(str$(t(x)*100),2)
- 1370 ifval(i$)=0then1400
- 1380 print#4,spc(5);d$;spc(65-len(d$)-len(i$));i$
- 1390 next
- 1400 ifw=0then1440
- 1410 forj=1tow
- 1420 i$=str$(int(h(j)))+"."+right$(str$(h(j)*100),2)
- 1430 print#4,spc(5);h$(j);spc(65-len(h$(j))-len(i$));i$
- 1440 next
- 1450 print#4:print#4
- 1460 q$="----------"
- 1470 print#4,spc(70-len(q$));q$
- 1480 print#4,spc(70-len(q$));q$
- 1490 tl$="total liabilities"
- 1500 i$=str$(int(tl))+"."+right$(str$(tl*100),2)
- 1510 print#4,spc(5);tl$;spc(65-len(tl$)-len(i$));i$
- 1520 print#4
- 1530 nw$="net worth":nw=ta-tl
- 1540 i$=str$(int(nw))+"."+right$(str$(nw*100),2)
- 1550 print#4,spc(5);nw$;spc(65-len(nw$)-len(i$));i$
- 1560 q$="----------"
- 1570 print#4,spc(70-len(q$));q$
- 1580 print#4,spc(70-len(q$));q$
- 1590 print#4:print#4
- 1595 iftl=0thenprint#4,spc(5)"solvency ratio is undefined.":goto1620
- 1600 sr=ta/tl:sr=(int(sr*1000+.5))/1000
- 1610 print#4,spc(5)"solvency ratio is ";sr
- 1620 print#4:close4
- 1630 printchr$(147):print
- 1635 input"another copy";zz$
- 1640 ifleft$(zz$,1)="y"then830
- 1645 input"another statement";zz$
- 1650 ifleft$(zz$,1)="n"then1670
- 1660 clr:goto160
- 1670 printchr$(147):print:print:print:print"thank you.":goto63000
- 1680 ::
- 1690 readd$(x):printd$(x);
- 1700 return
- 1710 ::
- 1720 rem ** data for assets **
- 1730 datacash on hand,cash in checking acct.,cash in savings acct.
- 1740 datasavings bonds,real estate,cash value of insurance
- 1750 datastocks,bonds,automobile (s)
- 1760 datapensions,annuities,patents & royalties
- 1765 dataequity in business ventures
- 1770 datacollections,jewelry furs,furniture,machinery & tools
- 1780 dataclothing & personal effects,hobby equipment,profit sharing
- 1790 ::
- 1800 rem ** data for liabilities **
- 1810 datahome mortgage,other real estate,automobile loan (s),furniture
- 1820 dataappliance loan (s),personal loan (s),education loan (s)
- 1830 datadebts to indivduals
- 1840 datamedical bills,dental bills,rent,utilities,alimony,federal,state
- 1850 datalocal,investments
- 63000 rem connect back to l.s.
- 63001 fordl=1to500:nextdl
- 63002 print"[147]load"chr$(34)"payload"chr$(34)",8":print"run"
- 63004 poke198,0:poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end